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From this belvedere you can enjoy magnificent panoramic views over the surrounding region.
Paipenela 6430, Meda
Paipenela 6430, Meda
Marialva Castle is one of the most singular ruins of Portuguese castles. The line of walls interrupted by two wickets and two gates (the gate of the Guardian Angel and the gate of Monte) hide a cluster of ruins: the Paçom Alcáçova, the Town Hall, the Jail and the Court, as well as the pillory, the cistern, the Keep, two churches and five towers.
The remarkable Casa Grande gained the appearance it has today in the second half of the 18th century, when the then owner, José Manuel Amaral, had it rebuilt and extended, transforming the old manor house into a noble house, giving it the Baroque face. On the main façade there is a coat of arms and on the south façade a chapel with 19th century fresco paintings depicting the Annunciation and the Adoration of the Three Kings on the walls. Its gilded carved altar of Joanine style and the coffered ceiling were sold, and its fate is unknown. It was sold in 2007 and according to the current owner is being restored according to the original style.
The Sítio do Vale do Mouro, in Coriscada, in the municipality of Mêda, has been the target of archaeological surveys since 2003, and until then, Roman baths, a tiled patio with figurative elements, spearheads, ceramics, coins, construction elements, among others, were discovered.
Edifício da Alfândega, Largo 25 de Abril 6355-217 Vilar Formoso
territoriosdocoa@gmail.com • +351 914 506 242
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